There are several stories regarding where the Bella Vista name originated.
One of them is the one I have heard over and over and which
is also referred to in Panama's Municipality's site.
Which very briefly says that Bella Vista was founded on June 12, 1930
by request of the residents and the Mayor.
It is said that the name Bella Vista which translates into "Beautiful View"
was named after the construction company that built the first homes in
the area.
Another reference to the origin of it´s name is said to be the fact that from its small
hills you had a "Beautiful View", which was that of trees and the ocean.
Hay varias historias sobre el origen del nombre de Bella Vista.
Una de ellas, la cual he escuchado muchas veces y a la cual se refieren en
la página de internet del Municipio de Panamá,
cuenta que su nombre es el mismo de la constructora Bella Vista,
la cual fué responsable de sus primeras edificaciones.
Otro posible origen del nombre Bella Vista, es que desde sus pequeñas
colinas había una vista espectacular de árboles y del mar.
El sitio del Municipio cuenta que Bella Vista fué fundada el 12 de Junio de 1930
por solicitud de sus residentes y del Alcalde de turno.
Photograph from HELIOS Eadweard Muybridge in a Time of Change - Steidel/Corcoran Gallery of Art
The photographer visited the Isthmus between 1875 and 1876, time when this picture was taken.
This picture shows part of Santa Ana (right), San Felipe (middle right-you can see the main Cathedral), Calidonia (in the middle) and Bella Vista not pictured would begin to the far left.
This picture may give you an idea of what the area could have been like at the time.
At the time, Bella Vista was the suburbs.
Esta fotografía muestra parte de Santa Ana (derecha), San Felipe (derecha-media en donde se puede observar la torre de la Catedral), Calidonia (medio) y el inicio de Bella Vista sería a la izquierda (no aparece en esta foto).
Esta foto de 1875-6 nos puede dar una idea de cómo era el área.
En esta época, Bella Vista era un suburbio.
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